We are delighted that you have decided to find out more about apartments at Rockdale. The below “Guidelines” gives full details of how to apply for apartments here. You can choose to apply for either rented or leasehold apartments – or both if you want to.
Should you decide to proceed, please complete our online form Rockdale Apartments Application Form by clicking here* or call 01732 458762 to request a hard copy to complete.
- once you have completed the form, press submit and an email confirmation will be sent to you. Please note, the form does not save whilst you are completing it.
We will then be pleased to progress your application, with the next stage being for you or the person you are applying on the behalf of, to meet with a member of staff for an assessment interview.
Once again thank you for your interest in Rockdale apartments and I look forward to hearing from you again.
Helpful information – please click on the titles to open the link
- Guidelines and Banding
- Leasehold accommodation
- Rented accommodation
- Properties available
- Rockdale site map
- What’s On – our monthly activity schedule for residents
- About Rockdale
Our privacy notices
Cooperative and Community Benefit Society: 13507R
Social Housing Provider: LH0869
Charity: Exempt